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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
//! KUnit-based macros for Rust unit tests.
//! C header: [`include/kunit/test.h`](../../../../../include/kunit/test.h)
//! Reference: <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/dev-tools/kunit/index.html>
/// Asserts that a boolean expression is `true` at runtime.
/// Public but hidden since it should only be used from generated tests.
/// Unlike the one in `core`, this one does not panic; instead, it is mapped to the KUnit
/// facilities. See [`assert!`] for more details.
macro_rules! kunit_assert {
($test:expr, $cond:expr $(,)?) => {{
if !$cond {
struct Location($crate::bindings::kunit_loc);
struct UnaryAssert($crate::bindings::kunit_unary_assert);
// SAFETY: There is only a static instance and in that one the pointer field
// points to an immutable C string.
unsafe impl Sync for Location {}
// SAFETY: There is only a static instance and in that one the pointer field
// points to an immutable C string.
unsafe impl Sync for UnaryAssert {}
static FILE: &'static $crate::str::CStr = $crate::c_str!(core::file!());
static LOCATION: Location = Location($crate::bindings::kunit_loc {
file: FILE.as_char_ptr(),
line: core::line!() as i32,
static CONDITION: &'static $crate::str::CStr = $crate::c_str!(stringify!($cond));
static ASSERTION: UnaryAssert = UnaryAssert($crate::bindings::kunit_unary_assert {
assert: $crate::bindings::kunit_assert {},
condition: CONDITION.as_char_ptr(),
expected_true: true,
// - FFI call.
// - The `test` pointer is valid because this hidden macro should only be called by
// the generated documentation tests which forward the test pointer given by KUnit.
// - The string pointers (`file` and `condition`) point to null-terminated ones.
// - The function pointer (`format`) points to the proper function.
// - The pointers passed will remain valid since they point to statics.
// - The format string is allowed to be null.
// - There are, however, problems with this: first of all, this will end up stopping
// the thread, without running destructors. While that is problematic in itself,
// it is considered UB to have what is effectively an forced foreign unwind
// with `extern "C"` ABI. One could observe the stack that is now gone from
// another thread. We should avoid pinning stack variables to prevent library UB,
// too. For the moment, given test failures are reported immediately before the
// next test runs, that test failures should be fixed and that KUnit is explicitly
// documented as not suitable for production environments, we feel it is reasonable.
unsafe {
/// Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other (using [`PartialEq`]).
/// Public but hidden since it should only be used from generated tests.
/// Unlike the one in `core`, this one does not panic; instead, it is mapped to the KUnit
/// facilities. See [`assert!`] for more details.
macro_rules! kunit_assert_eq {
($test:expr, $left:expr, $right:expr $(,)?) => {{
// For the moment, we just forward to the expression assert because,
// for binary asserts, KUnit supports only a few types (e.g. integers).
$crate::kunit_assert!($test, $left == $right);