pub trait ExactSizeIterator: Iterator {
    fn len(&self) -> usize { ... }
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

An iterator that knows its exact length.

Many Iterators don’t know how many times they will iterate, but some do. If an iterator knows how many times it can iterate, providing access to that information can be useful. For example, if you want to iterate backwards, a good start is to know where the end is.

When implementing an ExactSizeIterator, you must also implement Iterator. When doing so, the implementation of Iterator::size_hint must return the exact size of the iterator.

The len method has a default implementation, so you usually shouldn’t implement it. However, you may be able to provide a more performant implementation than the default, so overriding it in this case makes sense.

Note that this trait is a safe trait and as such does not and cannot guarantee that the returned length is correct. This means that unsafe code must not rely on the correctness of Iterator::size_hint. The unstable and unsafe TrustedLen trait gives this additional guarantee.


Basic usage:

// a finite range knows exactly how many times it will iterate
let five = 0..5;

assert_eq!(5, five.len());

In the module-level docs, we implemented an Iterator, Counter. Let’s implement ExactSizeIterator for it as well:

impl ExactSizeIterator for Counter {
    // We can easily calculate the remaining number of iterations.
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        5 - self.count

// And now we can use it!

let mut counter = Counter::new();

assert_eq!(5, counter.len());
let _ =;
assert_eq!(4, counter.len());

Provided Methods

Returns the exact remaining length of the iterator.

The implementation ensures that the iterator will return exactly len() more times a Some(T) value, before returning None. This method has a default implementation, so you usually should not implement it directly. However, if you can provide a more efficient implementation, you can do so. See the trait-level docs for an example.

This function has the same safety guarantees as the Iterator::size_hint function.


Basic usage:

// a finite range knows exactly how many times it will iterate
let mut range = 0..5;

assert_eq!(5, range.len());
let _ =;
assert_eq!(4, range.len());
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (exact_size_is_empty #35428)

Returns true if the iterator is empty.

This method has a default implementation using ExactSizeIterator::len(), so you don’t need to implement it yourself.


Basic usage:


let mut one_element = std::iter::once(0);

assert_eq!(, Some(0));

assert_eq!(, None);


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