module!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Declares a kernel module.

The type argument should be a type which implements the Module trait. Also accepts various forms of kernel metadata.

C header: include/linux/moduleparam.h


use kernel::prelude::*;

    type: MyModule,
    name: "my_kernel_module",
    author: "Rust for Linux Contributors",
    description: "My very own kernel module!",
    license: "GPL",
    params: {
       my_i32: i32 {
           default: 42,
           permissions: 0o000,
           description: "Example of i32",
       writeable_i32: i32 {
           default: 42,
           permissions: 0o644,
           description: "Example of i32",

struct MyModule;

impl kernel::Module for MyModule {
    fn init() -> Result<Self> {
        // If the parameter is writeable, then the kparam lock must be
        // taken to read the parameter:
            let lock = THIS_MODULE.kernel_param_lock();
            pr_info!("i32 param is:  {}\n",;
        // If the parameter is read only, it can be read without locking
        // the kernel parameters:
        pr_info!("i32 param is:  {}\n",;

Supported argument types

  • type: type which implements the Module trait (required).
  • name: byte array of the name of the kernel module (required).
  • author: byte array of the author of the kernel module.
  • description: byte array of the description of the kernel module.
  • license: byte array of the license of the kernel module (required).
  • alias: byte array of alias name of the kernel module.
  • alias_rtnl_link: byte array of the rtnl_link_alias of the kernel module (mutually exclusive with alias).
  • params: parameters for the kernel module, as described below.

Supported parameter types

  • bool: Corresponds to C bool param type.
  • i8: No equivalent C param type.
  • u8: Corresponds to C char param type.
  • i16: Corresponds to C short param type.
  • u16: Corresponds to C ushort param type.
  • i32: Corresponds to C int param type.
  • u32: Corresponds to C uint param type.
  • i64: No equivalent C param type.
  • u64: Corresponds to C ullong param type.
  • isize: No equivalent C param type.
  • usize: No equivalent C param type.
  • str: Corresponds to C charp param type. Reading returns a byte slice.
  • ArrayParam<T,N>: Corresponds to C parameters created using module_param_array. An array of T’s of length at most N.

invbool is unsupported: it was only ever used in a few modules. Consider using a bool and inverting the logic instead.