Macro kernel::pin_init

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macro_rules! pin_init {
    ($(&$this:ident in)? $t:ident $(::<$($generics:ty),* $(,)?>)? {
    }) => { ... };
Expand description

Construct an in-place, pinned initializer for structs.

This macro defaults the error to Infallible. If you need Error, then use try_pin_init!.

The syntax is almost identical to that of a normal struct initializer:

struct Foo {
    a: usize,
    b: Bar,

struct Bar {
    x: u32,

let a = 42;

let initializer = pin_init!(Foo {
    b: Bar {
        x: 64,

Arbitrary Rust expressions can be used to set the value of a variable.

The fields are initialized in the order that they appear in the initializer. So it is possible to read already initialized fields using raw pointers.

IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to create references to fields of the struct inside of the initializer.


When working with this API it is often desired to let others construct your types without giving access to all fields. This is where you would normally write a plain function new that would return a new instance of your type. With this API that is also possible. However, there are a few extra things to keep in mind.

To create an initializer function, simply declare it like this:

impl Foo {
    fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
        pin_init!(Self {
            a: 42,
            b: Bar {
                x: 64,

Users of Foo can now create it like this:

let foo = Box::pin_init(Foo::new());

They can also easily embed it into their own structs:

struct FooContainer {
    foo1: Foo,
    foo2: Foo,
    other: u32,

impl FooContainer {
    fn new(other: u32) -> impl PinInit<Self> {
        pin_init!(Self {
            foo1 <- Foo::new(),
            foo2 <- Foo::new(),

Here we see that when using pin_init! with PinInit, one needs to write <- instead of :. This signifies that the given field is initialized in-place. As with struct initializers, just writing the field (in this case other) without : or <- means other: other,.


As already mentioned in the examples above, inside of pin_init! a struct initializer with the following modifications is expected:

  • Fields that you want to initialize in-place have to use <- instead of :.
  • In front of the initializer you can write &this in to have access to a NonNull<Self> pointer named this inside of the initializer.
  • Using struct update syntax one can place ..Zeroable::zeroed() at the very end of the struct, this initializes every field with 0 and then runs all initializers specified in the body. This can only be done if Zeroable is implemented for the struct.

For instance:

struct Buf {
    // `ptr` points into `buf`.
    ptr: *mut u8,
    buf: [u8; 64],
    pin: PhantomPinned,
pin_init!(&this in Buf {
    buf: [0; 64],
    ptr: unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*this.as_ptr()).buf).cast() },
    pin: PhantomPinned,
pin_init!(Buf {
    buf: [1; 64],
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