Module core::char

1.2.0 · source · []
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Utilities for the char primitive type.

See also the char primitive type.

The char type represents a single character. More specifically, since ‘character’ isn’t a well-defined concept in Unicode, char is a ‘Unicode scalar value’, which is similar to, but not the same as, a ‘Unicode code point’.

This module exists for technical reasons, the primary documentation for char is directly on the char primitive type itself.

This module is the home of the iterator implementations for the iterators implemented on char, as well as some useful constants and conversion functions that convert various types to char.


The error type returned when a conversion from u32 to char fails.
An iterator that decodes UTF-16 encoded code points from an iterator of u16s.
An error that can be returned when decoding UTF-16 code points.
An iterator that yields the literal escape code of a char.
An iterator that yields the literal escape code of a char.
Returns an iterator that yields the hexadecimal Unicode escape of a character, as chars.
An error which can be returned when parsing a char.
Returns an iterator that yields the lowercase equivalent of a char.
Returns an iterator that yields the uppercase equivalent of a char.
The error type returned when a checked char conversion fails.


The highest valid code point a char can have, '\u{10FFFF}'. Use char::MAX instead.
U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (�) is used in Unicode to represent a decoding error. Use char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER instead.
The version of Unicode that the Unicode parts of char and str methods are based on. Use char::UNICODE_VERSION instead.


Creates an iterator over the UTF-16 encoded code points in iter, returning unpaired surrogates as Errs. Use char::decode_utf16 instead.
Converts a digit in the given radix to a char. Use char::from_digit instead.
Converts a u32 to a char. Use char::from_u32 instead.
Converts a u32 to a char, ignoring validity. Use char::from_u32_unchecked. instead.
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